Asivikelane service delivery impacts counter


Since March 2020

Procurement transparency assessment tool

We created a new procurement transparency assessment tool to evaluate how proactively municipalities share service-related procurement information.

Procurement training guide

We created a procurement training guide for informal settlement residents to learn about ways to hold their municipalities accountable for service delivery.

Brief 9: Ekurhuleni: Residents’ experiences of the procurement of, delivery, and servicing of chemical toilets to informal settlements.

We asked 260 informal settlement residents in the City of Ekurhuleni about their experiences of the procurement of chemical toilets, and to give recommendations to the metro on how to improve this service.

The procurement of basic services should respond to the needs of women

This research paper argues that gender-responsive procurement should be inclusive of the voices and needs of women. This will have far-reaching benefits by ensuring safer and healthier access to basic services for women, children and other vulnerable groups living in informal settlements in South Africa.

Asivikelane Western Cape #12: Knysna and Stellenbosch – Talking to residents will unlock service delivery solutions

Asivikelane Western Cape #12 Residents want to be included in decision-making about services. They ask Knysna and Stellenbosch municipalities for regular community meetings to solve service delivery challenges.

Why are municipalities not publishing procurement information on their websites and the eTender portal?

Following on from the 2021 report, “How transparent is municipal procurement?”, this report finds 3 main reasons why municipalities are not publishing procurement information on their websites and eTender portals as required. The report also gives recommendations on how to overcome these challenges to enhance transparency.

Promoting female-friendly water and sanitation in informal settlements

This is a helpful guide on how to make communal services safer, more hygienic, and female-friendly.

Prioritising needs of women in the procurement of basic services

This guide outlines how municipalities can be more inclusive and specifically prioritise the needs of women when procuring basic services for informal settlements.

Asivikelane Western Cape #7: Knysna and Stellenbosch – Repairs to taps and toilets in Knysna improve

Asivikelane Western Cape #7 shows that when municipalities engage residents it can yield progress in service delivery.

Asivikelane Western Cape #4: Knysna and Stellenbosch – Community engagement with Knysna municipality begins to yield progress

Asivikelane Western Cape #4 shows that consistent engagement between government and communities is starting to yield progress.